In addition to several large European and Czech scientific infrastructures, the National Institute for Cancer Research will also cooperate with various university hospitals, pharmaceutic or biotechnological companies, patient organisations, and other partners.
Large research infrastructures
Research teams of the National Institute for Cancer Research intensively used the infrastructure included in the Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures (ESFRI).
- European and national infrastructure for translational medicine – EATRIS-ERIC and EATRIS-CZ
- European and national repository of biological samples and – BBMRI-ERIC and BBMRI.CZ
- European and national infrastructure for clinical research – ECRIN and CZECRIN
- European and national infrastructure for system biology – ISBE and C4SYS
- European and national infrastructure for chemical biology – EU-OPENSCREEN and CZ-OPENSCREEN
- European and national infrastructure for biological and biomedical imaging – Euro-BioImaging and Czech-BioImaging
- European and national infrastructure for life science data – ELIXIR and ELIXIR CZ
- European and national infrastructure for functional genomics of mouse models – INFRAFRONTIER and České centrum pro fenogenomiku
- European and national infrastructure for structural biology – Instruct-ERIC and Czech infrastructure for integrative structural biology
- National Centre for Medical Genomics
Clinical institutions – oncological centres providing comprehensive care
Research teams of the National Institute for Cancer Research cooperate with Comprehensive Cancer Centres.
- Motol University Hospital, Prague
- General University Hospital in Prague
- Central Military Hospital – Military University Hospital Prague
- University Hospital Brno
- University Hospital Olomouc
- University Hospital Ostrava
Other partners
- Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic
- Cluster of Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology MedChemBio
- Cancer Research Foundation, Czech Republic
- BioVendor – Laboratory Medicine, Plc.
- IntellMed, Ltd.
- Institute of Applied Biotechnologies, Plc
- oncomed manufacturing, Plc
- CGB Laboratory, Ltd.