The National Institute for Cancer Research project also envisages the formation of new research teams which would also include international researchers. This should help further improve the standards of excellence and competitiveness of cancer research in the Czech Republic within international arena.
The National Institute for Cancer Research brings together 11 research institutions and 71 excellent research teams, thus covering the entire process of innovation, that is, basic, applied, and translational research in oncology. Each research team is affiliated with at least two of the five research programmes of the National Institute for Cancer Research.

* Research Programme 1
Molecular basis of cancer and molecular targets
Principal investigators:
Prof. MUDr. Jan Trka, Ph.D.
Prof. MUDr. Aleksi Šedo, DrSc.
Planned outputs:
- Identification of new genes or metabolic and signaling pathways which participate in the process of formation, control, and development of tumours
- New molecular targets used for the development of personalised therapy or diagnostics of cancers
- Genetic, epigenetic, and proteomic changes in health and disease – identification of new molecular targets and pathophysiology in tumours.
* Research Programme 2
Research and development of anticancer pharmaceuticals and therapeutic methods
Principal investigators:
Doc. MUDr. Marián Hajdúch, Ph.D.
Prof. Ing. Michal Hocek, CSc., DSc.
Planned outputs:
Acquisition of new bioactive compounds and their modifications
Development of synthetic access for creation of chemical libraries derived from active compounds
Preparation of biologically accessible formulations and drug systems derived from active compounds
Mass synthesis of bioactive molecules.

* Research Programme 3
Biomarkers of cancers and cancer diagnostics
Principal investigators:
Prof. RNDr. Ondřej Slabý, Ph.D.
Prof. MUDr. Karel Smetana, DrSc.
Planned outputs
Well-characterized in vitro and ex vivo models and biobank of tumor/normal tissues and body fluids
New methods for studying and determining cancer biomarkers
Innovative and validated biomarkers for cancer diagnosis, prognosis and prediction of therapeutic response
Innovative diagnostics based on the novel methods and biomarkers
- Advances in cancer genomics and precision oncology
* Research Programme 4
Early detection and prevention of tumours
Principal investigators:
MUDr. Petr Džubák, Ph.D.
Prof. MUDr. Marek Svoboda, Ph.D.
Planned outputs:
Well-characterised cell lines models and collections (biobank) of dysplastic (pre-cancerous) vs. normal tissues (at least 2,000 clinical samples in the biobank by the end of the project)
New methods of identification and validation of biomarkers for early detection of tumours
Biomarkers, diagnostic methods/sets based on well-defined and validated biomarkers for early detection of tumours

* Research Programme 5
Translational oncology: Verification clinical studies of the proof-of-concept type
Principal investigators:
MUDr. Ludmila Boublíková Ph.D.,
Prof. MUDr. Pavel Klener, Ph.D.
Planned outputs:
Clinical studies focused on the validation of biomarkers (at least two studies by the end of the project, with long-term follow-up)
Pharmaceuticals tested in clinical proof-of-concept studies (at least one application for a clinical study by the end of the project).