Jiří Neužil

Laboratory of Molecular Therapy

Investigatio vitas conservat.

  • Mission: To understand the onset and progression of neoplastic diseases.
  • Vision: Help save lifes by means of top research.

Malignant transformation is a complex process leading to the development of cancer culminating in meta-static disease. One of the as yet unexplained processes that accompanies this transformation, and which is fundamental to it, is the alteration of metabolism. Understanding these processes is important in terms of understanding the metabolic basis of cancer and may lead to better diagnosis and therapy.

  • Tan AS, Baty JW, Dong LF, Bezawork-Geleta A, Endaya B, Goodwin J, Bajzikova M, Kovarova J, Peterka M, Yan B, Alizadeh-Pesdar E, Sobol M, Filimonenko A, Stuart S, Vondrusova M, Kluckova K, Sachaphibulkij K, Rohlena J, Hozak P, Truksa J, Eccles D, Haupt L, Griffiths L, Neuzil J,* Berridge MV.* Mitochondrial genome acquisition restores respiratory function and tumorigenic potential in cancer cells without mitochondrial DNA. Cell Metab. 2015;21, 81-94. DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2014.12.003
  • Bezawork-Geleta A, Wen H, Dong LF, Yan B, Vider J, Boukalova S, Krobova L, Vanova K, Zobalova R, Hubackova S, Sobol M, Hozak P, Novais SM, Caisova V, Abaffy P, Naraine R, Pang Y, Zaw T, Zhang P, Kubista M, Zuryn S, Molloy MP, Berridge MV, Pacak K, Rohlena J, Park S, Neuzil J. Alternative assembly of respiratory complex II connects energy stress to metabolic checkpoints. Nat Commun. 2018;9, 2221. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-04603-z
  • Bajzikova M, Kovarova J, Coelho A, Boukalova S, Oh S, Rohlenova K, Svec D, Hubackova S, Endaya B, Judasova K, Bezawork-Geleta A, Kluckova K, Chatre L, Zobalova R, Novakova A, Vanova K, Ezrova Z, Maghzal G, Olsinova M, Krobova L, An YJ, Davidova E, Nahacka Z, Sobol M, Cunha-Oliveira T, Sandoval-Acuna C, Strnad H, Zhang T, Huynh T, Serafim TL, Hozak P, Sardao VA, Koopman WJH, Ricchetti M, Oliveira PJ, Kolar F, Kubista M, Truksa J, Dvorakova-Hortova K, Pacak K, Gurlich R, Stocker R, Zhou Y, Berridge MV, Park S, Dong LF, Rohlena J,Neuzil J. Reactivation of dihydroorotate dehydrogenase by respiration restores tumor growth of mitochondrial DNA-depleted cancer cells. Cell Metab. 2019;29, 399-416. DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2018.10.014
  • Vanova KH, Pang Y, Krobova L, Kraus M, Nahacka Z, Boukalova Z, Pack SD, Zobalova R, Zhu J, Huynh TT, Jochmanova I, Uher O, Hubackova S, Dvorakova S, Garrett TJ, Ghayee HK, Wu X, Schuster B, Knapp PE, Frysak Z, Hartmann I, Nilubol N, Cerny J, Taieb D, Rohlena J, Neuzil J,* Yang C,* Pacak K.* Germline SUCGL2 variants in patients with pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2022;114, 130-138. DOI: 10.1093/jnci/djab158
  • Sharma P, Maklashina E, Voehler M, Balintova S, Dvorakova S, Kraus M, Vanova KH, Nahacka Z, Zobalova R, Boukalova S, Mracek T, Ghayee HK, Pacak K, Rohlena J, Neuzil J,* Cecchini G,* Iverson T* (2024) Disordered-to-ordered transitions in assembly factors allow the complex II catalytic subunit to switch binding partnetrs. Nat. Commun. 2024;15, 473. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-44563-7

Mitochondrial methodology

High-resolution imaging

Methods of advanced cell and molecular biology

Preparation and use of subcutaneous and orthotopic mouse models of cancer, including syngeneic models


National infrastructure for biological and biomedical imaging Czech-Bioimaging

Biotechnology and Biomedicine Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Charles University BIOCEV