| Český rozhlas, Věda Plus, 4 February 2025 ‘One of the fast-improving instruments of doctors is so-called precision oncology suitably supplemented by complementary immunotherapy, be it in the form of cell therapy or for instance antibodies,’ said Jaroslav Štěrba, Scientific Director of NICR, to reporters of the Czech Radio. | | Czech Television, ‘Sama doma’, 27 January, 30 January, 10–13 February 2025 In the last week of January, the ‘Sama doma’ show was dedicated to the successes of Czech science. Invited guests included Jaroslav Šterba, who spoke about tumours in children in the context of precision medicine, and Pavel Klener, who spoke among other things about innovative treatments of lymphoma. During the second week of February, the show invited NICR researchers from all the institute’s nodes – Aleksi Šedo, Lenka Kotrchová, Zdeněk Andrysík, and Martin Mistrík – who spoke about the various ways of defeating cancer cells. | | This year, we continue with our podcast in a slightly modified form. You will be able to enjoy discussion with two guests touching upon both the academic and the more broadly social aspects of biomedical research. In the January episode, we have welcomed Jan Konvalinka, director of the IOCB of the CAS, and NICR Director Aleksi Šedo. In February, we have invited two experts in precision medicine from the Brno node of NICR, Jaroslav Štěrba and Ondřej Slabý. In March, we will discuss the preparation of the future generation of scientists with Michal Kolář from the IMG of the CAS, and Petr Mazouch, member of the board of Secondary-School Expert Activities (SOČ). |